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Make 1 Change to your Supply Chain Process and Save 5 Ways

More and more companies are seeing the benefits and taking advantage of point-of-use intelligent vending machines. According to a recent report by Global Industry Analysts, intelligent vending machines are projected to reach 2.7 million units by 2020. The rapid increase has been driven by benefits such as ease of use, higher operating efficiency, and considerable cost savings.

Point-of-use vending machines are designed to support the management and tracking of a company's in-house production material and tooling. With the help of these machines companies can easily manage the storage, supply, replenishing and control of components, tooling, spares, and consumable materials.

How you save money, specifically:

  1. Reduce expenditures – you avoid wastage and loss, and because it is a demand-based automated ordering system, you no longer need to outlay capital on overstocking. Companies have reported saving as much as 35% on their spending of daily material usage, making a significant impact toward the bottom line.
  2. Eliminate employee downtime – machines are available 24/7/365 at the point of use. Employees no longer need to take the estimated average 15-minute break to get the item they need, or even worse, wait until the part is back in stock.
  3. Never lose track of items again – From a wrist strap to a forklift, you will always know where your items are. You control who has access to what, and who checked it out last.
  4. Take advantage of customized reporting – as you track and monitor your inventory usage, you will start to gain valuable insight as to how materials are getting used, and what is no longer being used.
  5. Never throw out date-coded inventory again – Customize machine programming to FIFO standards, first in/first out, sets your machine to distribute older stock first. You can even set the machine to offer substitute parts if you want to move a particular item faster.

Take inventory replenishment and logistical responsibility out of employees’ hands, and free them up to focus on other tasks. With a demand-based automated ordering system, time spent monitoring stock levels, accounting, receiving and general inventory control functions could be simply saved by a demand-based ordering system. Simply put, industrial vending not only saves 35% in lost materials, it also improves your overall productivity across the board.

Diverse Electronics’ new industrial vending program can be completely customized to suit your facility’s needs. We determine the best unit for your needs, we program the unit, we train your team, and we manage automated reordering reports. We keep it simple so you can focus on your business.

To learn more or to set up a no-obligation consultation, speak to one of our helpful team members. We’d be happy to show you how you can get measurable value with immediate results, just by making one simple change to your supply chain process. Industrial vending.

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Industrial vending program, inventory control, supply chain, supply chain management, supply chain process, industrial vending, inventory

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